The cultural class trips were very fun; I enjoyed visiting Kamakura and Enoshima.
Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?
The cultural class trips were very fun; I enjoyed visiting Kamakura and Enoshima.
Which co-curriculum classes did you find most satisfying?
I enjoyed the cultural class, of course, but the English Support class was also very helpful.
What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?
I've never had Japanese classes every day, so I think speaking Japanese a lot during class helped. Everyone, teachers/staff and students, were so nice and helpful.
What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?
Conversation practice and compositions. The textbooks were fine, but mostly because I also had an English guide as well.
Where did you reside over the course of this program?
Where did you live?
Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?
Yes, I enjoyed my stay. Maeda-san was extremely nice and helpful, and the dorms were very clean. I also liked the suburban location, despite its distance from the school. The commute wasn't too bad.
Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?
Keep up with your studies, of course. Go to English Support.
Any other comments or suggestions?
Everyone was so nice. I wish I could have stayed for longer.